Sustrans Cymru’s 2021 Manifesto: Tomorrow’s Wales, for everyone

Sustrans 2021 manifesto for Welsh government front cover

Our 2021 manifesto for Wales

We want to see a world where people are connected via sustainable transport and active travel.

And where not having a car does not affect your ability to be included in society.

Download our full 2021 manifesto.

Sustrans 2021 manifesto for Welsh government one-page pop out document front cover

Manifesto on a page

You can also download our one-page 2021 manifesto for Wales.

Sustrans Cymru’s vision for Tomorrow’s Wales has never been more relevant.

Imagine a society in which everyone is able to walk or cycle in their neighbourhoods.

Schools, shops and workplaces are within easy reach, and our towns are accessible, green and vibrant.


We've set out Sustrans Cymru’s asks of the next Welsh Government which, if implemented, would make a profound difference for the future generations of Wales.

Watch our Manifesto video: Sustrans Cymru: Tomorrow’s Wales, for Everyone


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