Stirling Walking and Cycling Index
Formerly known as Bike Life, this is the UK's biggest ever study of walking, wheeling and cycling.
Major new sustainable transport infrastructure projects are accelerating Stirling's journey towards healthier, better connected and greener communities - where every trip is net zero.
Every year, walking and cycling in Stirling results in:
serious long-term health conditions prevented
£34.9 million
in economic benefit for individuals and the region
2,100 tonnes
of greenhouse gas emissions saved
Up to 12,000
cars taken off the road every day

Ashleigh, cycling family
Cycling with my kids is amazing. We have a cargo bike where they sit in a box at the front. They know their way around Stirling so much better than if they were being driven in a car. On a bike they are engaged in their surroundings and experiencing the city. For me it’s also a way of enjoying the fresh air and exercise, without going out of my way to do it – just moving from one place to another. It’s obviously a lot cheaper too.
Now my kids are getting a bit older, they want to start riding their own bikes more. Certain routes are fine, but on others it’s just not safe. Gaps in infrastructure force us onto the road, and often there is vegetation or glass on the paths due to lack of maintenance.
Although cycle routes are getting better, non-standard cycles need to be taken into account more, for people with kids and people with disabilities. I think if you want people to cycle, you need to make it friendly to everyone.

Download the Stirling Walking and Cycling Index
See Stirling's vision for walking, wheeling and cycling.
We meet the people behind a programme breaking down barriers in Stirling.
Stirling through the years
This is the third time we've collaborated with Stirling City Council to survey active travel in the city. Download our previous reports: