Sustrans Outside In

Useful content and resources for families during Covid-19.

Following the UK-wide lockdown, schools remain closed for the foreseeable future, with families encouraged to engage in home learning.

Whilst we are all focused on staying at home, it is important that children remain active.

That's why we have created Sustrans Outside In, a schedule of educational and active-themed activities children can enjoy at home. The activities are delivered by newsletter to parents and schools over the course of four weeks.

Designed by our experienced school officers

The content has been developed by Sustrans’ school officers who are experienced at developing fun and educational resources suitable for the school setting.

Each week, the Sustrans Outside In programme provides families with five activities themed for wellbeing, keeping active, being creative, investigating and ‘anything goes’, as well as a challenge to keep children active whilst at home.

Sustrans Outside In activities

Fun and educational resources for families.

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Walking, cycling and scooting are great ways to contribute to keeping us active and healthy in body and mind. During this time where we are mostly required to stay at home, these activities become harder to do so. Sustrans Outside In therefore aims to provide ideas and inspiration to bring health and wellbeing activities into the home. Blockquote quotation marks
Chris Bennett, Head of Behaviour Change and Engagement at Sustrans, and father juggling home learning

The feature forms part of a parent-focused newsletter offered by Sustrans, which features links to cycling and walking tips, and other useful content to help families walk, cycle and scoot.

Find out more about Sustrans Outside In, visit the parents’ registration and resources page.

We are calling on schools and Local Authorities to let parents know about this valuable free resource.

Schools and Local Authorities can help by spreading the word about these resources and encouraging parents to sign up.

Let your communities know about it. Add the website link to your website and share it on your newsletters, social media and other communication channels.

Get in touch if you have any questions or need further support

Education team

Education team