Scotland Walking and Cycling Index
Formerly known as Bike Life, this is the UK's biggest ever study of walking, wheeling and cycling.
The first-ever aggregated Walking and Cycling Index for Scotland reveals how people are travelling in Scotland's cities, and the support they need to walk, wheel and cycle more.
Every year, walking and cycling in Scotland's cities results in:
serious long-term health conditions prevented
£1.1 billion
in economic benefit for individuals and Index cities
90,000 tonnes
of greenhouse gas emissions saved
Up to 440,000
cars taken off the road every day

Jev, city explorer, Aberdeen
I have difficulty walking, so I use the car or a mobility scooter to get around. It took some time for me to accept being a younger person using a mobility scooter. But my passion for exploring my city helped me overcome this.
I love travelling around Aberdeen, taking photographs and exploring the street art. My favourite places are the art gallery, the beach, and Fittie. Once I even went 8 miles out of Aberdeen using the Deeside Way path!
Aberdeen is fairly accessible for mobility scooters and wheelchairs. However, some pavements are too bumpy or don’t have dropped kerbs, and unless you’re feeling a bit experimental, I wouldn’t recommend that!
For me, the mobility scooter simulates walking. It allows me to see all the life around me, and it means a lot!

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See Scotland's vision for walking, wheeling and cycling.