We are working to ensure the Northern Ireland Assembly and local authorities deliver policies and projects that enable more people to walk, wheel and cycle to help reduce car dependency.

Assembly members try out e-bikes at Stormont Parliament buildings as part of COP26 events
Northern Ireland Assembly Elections 2022
Our overall policy work is to make it easier for more people to walk, wheel and cycle to help reduce car dependency and unlock the benefits of active travel.
We want to see safe routes to schools, safer joined-up cycle networks and better planning to encourage more people to travel actively.
Read Sustrans Manifesto for 2022 Assembly Elections.
Streets for everyone: Pop-up cycle lane on Dublin Road in central Belfast
Climate crisis
We support a Climate Change Bill for Northern Ireland and believe sustainable transport has a vital role to play in tackling this crisis.
We are members of the Climate Coalition NI which is campaigning for the Private Members Bill going through the NI Assembly.
We also responded in February 2021 to DAERA’s Climate Change Discussion paper.
Read our position on the climate crisis and transport.
Northern Ireland's Environment Strategy
Northern Ireland is consulting on its first-ever Environment Strategy, with the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) seeking views from a wide range of stakeholders.
We responded to the Discussion document in 2020. Read our response.
A consultation on the Environment Strategy is now live.
Air quality
We know that poor air quality is damaging our health and the environment.
In N. Ireland road transport contributes 26% of all NO2 emissions, mostly from passenger cars.
These emissions are concentrated on our roads in urban areas close to homes, schools and shops.
We responded in February 2021 to DAERA’s Clean Air Strategy Discussion document.
We also are part of Belfast City Council’s Air Quality Steering Group which is publishing its next five-year plan.
Read our position on improving air quality.
Belfast Bicycle Network Plan
We have been working to influence the Belfast Bicycle Network Plan, which the Department for Infrastructure published in June 2021.
We have been calling for a Delivery Plan which is expected by end of 2021.
We have argued for more protected cycle lanes along arterial routes to form a safe, joined-up network.
Sustrans and other cycling campaigners have called for a two-way protected cycle path along Chichester Street to provide a safe route for all.