Over the summer we asked amateur photographers to send in their standout photos taken on or near to the National Cycle Network.

Paul Neale's image taken on the Low Furness Ride took top spot in the Adventures by the Water category.
The competition aimed to celebrate the sights and experiences to be enjoyed along the Network’s 16,000 miles of walking and cycling routes.
Entrants were invited to submit photographs to four possible categories, covering the range of adventures to be had along the Network, from nature to culture and waterside scenes and great days out.
Entries were shortlisted by representatives from Sustrans and assessed by a panel of judges who determined the winners in each category.
Marc Aspland, Chief Sports Photographer for The Times, praised Paul Neale’s winning entry to the Adventures by the Water category: “This is such a great picture as it tells so many stories.
"Not only the flowers in memoriam strapped to the bench but the wreath of poppies on the rocks where the cyclist is seen taking in the stunning sunset.
"This is certainly a picture I would have been very pleased to capture.
"Well done on capturing a picture on your camera which falls into my category of, ‘I wish I’d taken that.’”

Jeff Stevens's photo taken on National Route 5 was the winning entry in the Adventures in Nature category.
Miranda Krestovnikoff, television presenter and conservationist, had this to say about the winning entry for the Art, Culture and Heritage category, submitted by 'Anonymous': “This really captures the magic of the NCN - you never know what you’re going to come across next!”
Professional photographer Anthony Pease said of Esther Watts-Nielsen’s winning entry in the Great Days Out category: “Love this early morning feel, just makes me want to ride.”