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Published: 5th OCTOBER 2021

E-Move: Piloting e-bike and e-cargo bike loans in Wales

E-Move is an electric cycle loan scheme for people living in Aberystwyth, Rhyl, Barry, Swansea, Newtown and their surrounding areas. The pilot scheme is helping people who may find the cost of e-bikes a barrier to using them. E-move offers a healthy, sustainable and affordable way to travel.

Two women standing with their e-bikes in Barry

The E-Move project aims to help residents in many areas of Wales start travelling actively and sustainably. ©photojB

This project is funded by the Welsh Government.


This pilot scheme offers individuals a four-week loan of an e-bike.

It's for people living in Aberystwyth, Swansea, Barry, Rhyl, Newtown and the surrounding areas of these cities and towns.

The loan scheme is free of charge, and 20 e-bikes are available at each location.

Electric cargo bikes are also available to businesses and organisations in Aberystwyth, Swansea and Newtown for up to three months.


Replacing trips by car and van

E-Move aims to reduce carbon emissions by replacing some of the journeys usually made by car.

E-cargo bikes are available to businesses and organisations, which will also help to reduce the emissions caused by delivering goods to your door.

By offering alternative means of transport, this project aims to improve local air quality.


Keeping motivated to move

Electric bikes can reach speeds of up to 15.5 mph.

They can help you tackle hilly terrain, carry loads, and go for longer cycling trips.

E-Move's collection of e-bikes have panniers, stowage trays and seats to carry children of various ages.

They help to make active travel fun, helping us stay motivated to move.


Helping businesses and organisations with e-cargo bikes

Using e-cargo bikes to move goods around can reduce operating costs for organisations.

This approach creates an opportunity for positive publicity and can be a great way of engaging customers from the surrounding community.

In congested areas, e-cargo bikes are often a faster way to move loads.

They're more flexible, convenient and environmentally-friendly than using a van.

An electric cargo bike

E-cargo bikes are a great alternative to vans for moving goods within towns and cities.

Inspiring businesses and organisations to act

Through the E-Move project, we will be supporting businesses and organisations to trial the use of e-cargo bikes.

We want to see organisations taking up this opportunity to reduce carbon emissions and localised air pollution.

We'll help them develop the skills to use e-cargo bikes, and to learn about the benefits and impacts of using various bikes for their services.


Interested in loaning an e-bike?

We are inviting people in Aberystwyth, Rhyl, Barry, SwanseaNewtown and the surrounding areas to loan an e-bike.

Businesses and organisations in and around Swansea and Aberystwyth are eligible for loan of an e-cargo bike.

You will need to complete a survey before and after the loan.

You may also be asked to undertake a 30-45 minute research interview.

This will help us to understand people’s experience of using an e-bike.

The survey will look at the challenges of using one, and how people, organisations and places can benefit from e-bikes.

The outcome of this project will help us develop recommendations for future e-bike initiatives.


Check if you're eligible to loan

To be eligible you will be over 18 years of age and able to cycle safely, a resident of an area within Rhyl, Swansea, Newtown, or Barry, and either:

  • living in an area listed in the Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation (in a project location) as one of the 10-50% most deprived wards in Wales. You can check your postcode on their website;
  • living in a rural place near an E-Move location that can be reached by e-bike with the intention of replacing car trips, or;
  • living in a hilly location near an E-Move location that can be reached by e-bike with the intention of replacing car trips.

Businesses and organisations operating in Swansea or Aberystwyth are invited to apply to loan an e-cargo bike by contacting the relevant officer.

If you think you might not be able to cycle, or if you have not ridden in many years, then we encourage you to get training before the loan begins through an accredited local provider. 


Get in touch

If you are an interested in loaning an e-bike, or want to know more, please get in touch with the relevant officer below.

Please note that some of E-Move’s project officers work part-time, but if you leave a message or email, we will get back to you.


Jack Neighbour: Jack.Neighbour@sustrans.org.uk 07876234112 (works part-time)



Jack Neighbour: Jack.Neighbour@sustrans.org.uk 07876234112 (works part-time)


Swansea (e-cargo bikes and e-bikes)

Paul Thomas: Paul.Thomas2@sustrans.org.uk


Barry (e-bikes only)

Hamish Belding: EMove.Barry@sustrans.org.uk


Rhyl (e-bikes only)

Jonny Eldridge: Jonny.Eldridge@sustrans.org.uk 07922 875131


The application process

Our project officers will provide you with an application form and will check if you are eligible for the scheme.

You’ll receive information about the scheme and what e-bikes we have available.

You'll also receive a survey and loan agreement to complete.

We will arrange a date for you to collect an e-bike and receive an induction where you’ll be shown how to use it and to get comfortable using it.

Depending on demand for the e-bikes, you may be held on a waiting list until one becomes available.


Get in touch with one of our team now if you're interested in loaning an e-bike or e-cargo bike.


Find out why you should try an e-bike.


Read our report on the first year of our E-Move scheme.

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