Published: 9th MARCH 2021

Pedal-powered taxi service for essential journeys in Southampton

Sustrans Waves in Weston project is offering its local community a free trishaw taxi service for essential journeys in parts of Southampton.

person riding and person sitting in trishaw taxi

The trishaw is a specially adapted tricycle that allows passengers to sit comfortably while their volunteer ‘driver’ pedals them to their appointments.

Many of the project’s usual activities were on pause during the pandemic.

The project team and volunteers came up with the taxi service as a way to continue helping the community to experience the great outdoors.

And all whilst putting their skills and resources to good use.

Enjoying the local area

The trishaw taxi service offers a sustainable way to travel to local essential appointments.

It also provides people using the service with the chance to enjoy the sights and sounds of the local area whilst out in the fresh air. 

Making the most of essential journeys

Josh Allen, our volunteer and community engagement officer said:

"It’s great to see this service up and running.

"Travelling by trishaw taxi is a sustainable alternative to hopping in a car.

"The last year has proven time outdoors to be a lifeline for a lot of people."

Blockquote quotation marks
Grabbing a bit of time to enjoy being outdoors during an essential journey is a great way to look after our own wellbeing. Blockquote quotation marks
Josh Allen, Volunteer and Community Engagement Officer

About the project

Waves in Weston project is funded by Sport England and aims to get people more active and enjoying outdoor spaces.

The trishaw used to deliver this taxi service was funded by Prime Foundation. 


Do you live in Weston, Woolston, Netley or south Sholing and need to make an essential journey?

Message @WavesInWeston on Facebook or email Josh at to book your trip.

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