Spatial planning policy must be reformed for everyone to lead happier, healthier lives.
Our vision is of a society where the way we travel creates healthier places and happier lives for everyone.
And we believe that reform in the planning system has a vital role to play in achieving that vision.
That’s why we’re working as part of the Better Planning Coalition to seek legislative amendments to the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill, and revisions to the National Planning Policy Framework.
We think the planning system should be a key tool in helping the UK to level up communities, reduce car dependency and meet its legally binding net zero targets.
But at present, there is no legal duty for the planning system to deliver healthy and inclusive environments.
Instead, new developments can perpetuate car dependency and all the problems associated with it:
With upcoming revisions to the National Planning Policy Framework due, we have a significant opportunity to put this right.
A pleasant urban environment should entice people in to spend time and money.
You also want your child to have independence, to roam, to go out and see their friends.
Photo: Brian Sweeney/Sustrans
The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) is a UK Government policy document.
It sets out the overarching policy guidelines for people wanting to develop land in England.
This makes it an important tool in shaping our built environment.
It defines how the places where we live, work and rest will look for decades to come.
The government has committed to revising the NPPF as part of the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill, announced in the Queen’s Speech in May 2022.
Photo: Jon Bewley/Sustrans
The amendments we’d like to see in the NPPF originate from the Better Planning Coalition’s six tests for planning.
The Better Planning Coalition, is a broad coalition of 26 organisations from across a range of sectors.
They work collaboratively to maximise their influence on the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill and the review of the NPPF for the benefit of climate, nature and people.
Sustrans’ proposed amendments are as follows:
The absolute ideal would be a liveable neighbourhood so that all the streets in this area were just for access.
The kids could play outside more, more space for people and cleaner air.
Photo: Jon Bewley/Sustrans
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