FAQs - Managing the Network
Frequently asked questions (FAQs) about how Sustrans manages the National Cycle Network.
Please be aware that Sustrans only owns a small proportion of the National Cycle Network. When reporting an issue on the Network, please provide a photograph and a what3words location.
FAQs on this page
- How much of the National Cycle Network does Sustrans own?
- Who else owns the Network?
- I'd like to report an issue, how do I know who to contact?
- Can you cut down some trees/vegetation along the Network?
- Can I cut down trees/vegetation along the Network?
- Why have you cut down trees/vegetation along the Network?
- Do you clear fallen leaves along the Network?
- Do you care about wildlife?
- Can you clear graffiti on the Network?
- How do you deal with flytipping?
Who else owns the Network?
The Network exists on land owned by a wide range of stakeholders. The sections on public highway are the responsibility of Highway Authorities. The rest of the Network, which is made up of the traffic free sections belong to a variety of organisations and individuals, including local authorities, the Canal & River Trust, the Forestry Commisson, Network Rail, the National Trust and other private landowners.
I'd like to report an issue, how do I know who to contact?
Contact our friendly Supporter Care Team using the details at the bottom of this page.
If the issue is on land that we own, we will be able to investigate this for you.
If not, we'll be able to point you in the direction of who you need to contact and we'll ask you to report it on FixMyStreet. Please provide a what3words location when reporting an issue.
Can you cut down some trees/vegetation along the Network?
Work will only be carried out on trees if they are dead, diseased, a risk to health and safety or as part of a planned management programme. If you are concerned that a tree or some vegetation falls into this category, please do let us know and we'll investigate. You can contact our Supporter Care team using the details at the bottom of this page.
We never cut back trees or vegetation during bird nesting season, unless it is urgent. Bird nesting season tends to run from early spring to late summer, but this can vary year on year. We do not do work on healthy trees if they're blocking light or leading to a build up of fallen leaves as crowning trees can leave them susceptible to disease.
Why have you cut down trees/vegetation along the Network?
Here at Sustrans, we manage land for public access and wildlife. Our Land Management teams carry out regular tree inspections and only carry out vegetation management as part of planned programmes, for health and safety reasons or if trees are diseased or dead. Our Land Managers are qualified and have the licences they need to carry out woodland management.
Do you care about wildlife?
We care greatly about wildlife along the Network. We have a dedicated Ecology team and manage our land as ecologically important sites. We recognise that the Network offers vital green corridors for wildlife and humans alike, and plant wildflowers, long grass and hedgerows to encourage biodiversity. We take seriously our obligations under the Wildlife and Countryside Act to prevent disturbance in places used for shelter and protection.
How do you deal with flytipping?
As it is the landowners responsibility to remove rubbish dumped on their land, regardless of who dumped it, we will clear all flytipped rubbish from our land. If flytipping has occurred on land we don't own, this will have to be reported to the relevant landowner. If you're not certain who that is, contact our friendly Supporter Care Team using the details at the bottom of this page.
Contact our Supporter Care Team
Please contact our friendly Supporter Care Team using the following details:
Email: supporters@sustrans.org.uk
Telephone: 0300 303 2604
Post: 2 Cathedral Square, College Green, Bristol, BS1 5DD